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Mindbenderz talk ‘Lord of the Rings’ and fishing, as well as the creation of their new album ‘Celestial Gateway’!
Iono-Music artists One Function, Eliyahu, Invisible Reality and Dual Vision talk Robert Miles, kids, dogs and vinyl, while we chat about their current releases!
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Iono-Music artists One Function, Eliyahu, Invisible Reality and Dual Vision talk Robert Miles, kids, dogs and vinyl, while we chat about their current releases!

Reported by Jessica Alici / Submitted 06-12-23 09:25

Iono-Music is one of the most well-renowned Psy-Trance labels in the scene. With a plethoric rolling release schedule featuring some of the most talented artists around we decided it was high time to check in with a few of their artists and have a chat about current material!

One Function

What is your earliest memory of music?

One of my first musical memories is when I was about 6 or 7 years old and my family bought a cassette with a Robert Miles tracks on it. I was fascinated by the song ‘Children’ and I couldn't stop dancing to it, repeatedly asking them to play it again and again. It still brings back a lot of nostalgia and emotions whenever I hear it. Music has such a powerful impact on me.

How did you discover Psy-Trance?

I was in 6th grade when I bought my first CD which was 'Good Morning Israel' by Oren Barkan. I was blown away by the psychedelic sounds and the energy of the music. I wanted to share it with everyone I knew and I’ve been hooked on Psy-Trance ever since.

Tell us about your recent releases on Iono-Music…

My last release on Iono was a single called 'Imagine'. I spent three months working on this track, inspired by my amazing tour in Brazil. The track reflects my experience of traveling and performing in this beautiful country, with its vibrant culture and warm people.

My new release on Iono-Music is titled ‘Natura’, and was crafted during a challenging period of war in Israel, influencing the mood of the track. ‘Natura’ – the track name reflects the healing power of nature. Created using the mainly the Korg R2 synth, the track explores a rich sonic palette, blending organic sounds with dynamic rhythms. As a producer, despite the difficult inspiration, the goal is to offer listeners a cathartic experience, showcasing the transformative and healing potential of music in times of adversity

What’s one of your biggest achievements in life?

My biggest achievement in life is my family and our two lovely kids. They are my joy and my treasure. It's not easy to balance family life with traveling and performing around the world, but thanks to the support and love of my wife Tanya, I can pursue my passion for music and come back home to a loving family. Nothing else matters more to me.

Most memorable party/gig and why?

There are so many, each gig or festival has a special place in my heart. One that stands out for me is Esoteric Festival 2018 in Australia. The people, the music, the organisation and the whole vibe of this event was absolutely incredible and something I will never forget.

Biggest love after family, friends and music?

Food, definitely food. Just like music, it's a form of art and something you can do in a creative way that makes other people happy. I love to cook and to cook for friends, I love exploring new tastes when I'm traveling and to bring them into my own cuisine.

What is one life lesson you would tell your younger self?

To relax and enjoy the ride! Life has its ups and downs: When it's down, just breathe and remember it's a phase; learn from it and move on. When life is smiling at you, smile back.

To pre-order One Function’s new release ‘Natura’ click here:
To follow One Function on social media click here:


What is your earliest memory of music?

My earliest memory of electronic music is around the age of 14, something like 17 years ago, when music was still sold on cassettes. I remember hearing electronic sounds for the first time, I was really fascinated by it all.

When and how did you discover Psy-Trance?

I discovered Psy-Trance music in the mid-90s when there was a development in Israel in the whole electronic music scene. In fact, the whole beginning of the Psy-Trance genre started in Israel during my childhood.

Tell us about your recent and upcoming releases on Iono-Music

My recent release ‘Enduring Spirit’ is very special to me personally. It comes at a time of significant changes in my life, and all the tracks were created as a melody for the entire current period I am going through. The release includes 3 unique tracks, each track has its own uniqueness, colour and distinct sound signature.
The upcoming release will also be on Iono-Music of course. In addition, I want to say a huge thank you to the label owner Matthias who really does a wonderful job. He always supports his artists and is available for everything and gives the right drive to continue. My next release is called ‘Bring the Life’. In the midst of challenging times, this music embodies a yearning for peace and a return to normality. As the world grapples with ongoing struggles, let the beats echo a collective hope for brighter days ahead. 'Bring The Life' is not just a single; it's a musical wish for a future where joy prevails over discord, and we can dance our way back to happiness.

What are your biggest loves after music?

My kids. I also like to travel the world, see nature, special historical places, talk to new people and learn new cultures.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

Right now, I want Eliyahu's music to be known all over the world, I want to develop in the field and be successful. It is very important to me to make people happy.

What words of wisdom would you say to your younger self?

Be yourself, and respect those around you.

To buy Eliyahu’s recent release ‘Bring the Life’ click here:
Keep an eye out for his new release via the following link:
To follow Eliyahu on social media click here:

Invisible Reality

What is your earliest memory of music?

Interesting question indeed! I think it’s from the day we are born and the first sound you create is music, not words.

How did you discover Psy-Trance?

Well, we are from Israel and in this country Psy Trance is a national music style so it was not too hard to discover this genre! The evolution of Psy in Israel probably started around 1996.

You recently signed with Iono-Music. What expectations do you have being signed to such a legendary label?

Iono-Music was our first label we signed to back in 2009 where we released our first 3 albums so it is already our family for a long time. We’re happy to be back, continuing our musical journey with this label, and we know together we are going to be blasting again! We have loved being party of Blue Tunes Records too, for a long time; we only have good things to say about them and their dedicated professionalism and the support they gave to us.

Tell us about your upcoming/recent release on Iono-Music…

Our recent single was released on December 1st and is called ‘Supernova’. We dedicate it to all the victims of the Nova festival massacre. As you know our global Psy Trance community suffered the biggest disaster in our whole music scene’s history. We lost a lot of friends there which touched our lives personally so we decided to show support through our music.

What’s one of your biggest achievements in life?

That people around the world hear our music and dance to it. Spreading love through music, loving family and friends, staying real and not being fake, no matter what.

What’s your biggest love after family, friends and music?

Dogs, Nature and Beauty…

What’s on the horizon for you (gigs/releases/ambitions/hopes/dreams)?

To continue making music from the heart and soul - as that will bring us to the right places.

What is one life lesson you would tell your younger self?

Don’t release any track until it is perfect!

To buy Invisible Reality’s new track click here:
To follow Invisible on social media click here:

Dual Vision

What was your first memory of music?

It was when I was a child listening to my parents' music. They had a nice collection of vinyl and I often played them; subsequently my curiosity about music evolved as I began to study the guitar and piano at school.

When did you discover Psy-Trance music?

I discovered Psy-Trance music by chance, I think. One evening my best friend told me about a party in the woods 40 km from my house and we decided to ride there by scooter during the night. When we arrived, we were amazed by the beauty of the colours and the vibration that united the people who were there. The music felt quite familiar to me, the DJ was playing Astrix ‘Scientific Reality’ and that track was like huge explosive boom in my brain!

Tell us about your recent release on Iono-Music…

We are Sick’ is a massive collaboration with my good friends Mahaya. We started it a year ago, when I met them in Athens after one of my gigs. The title of the song contains various meanings: the disease that unites us, therefore a passion for music, but it also expresses a deeper meaning - the diseases that currently afflict the world, such as war, ignorance and inequalities.

What’s one of your biggest achievements in life?

Being able to follow my dreams and I owe this a lot to my partner in life Andrea and also to my brother Filippo, who have always supported me by believing in what I do.

What’s one of your biggest disappointments in life?

One of my biggest disappointments in my life is the relationship with my father, as unfortunately I didn't see him for more than 10 years. The thing that currently disappoints me is seeing how the Psy-Trance movement has evolved, observing artists who should spread a message of peace, equality and respect, but who are instead unfortunately praising war and inequality. Honestly, this makes me very sad.

What’s one of the most memorable parties you have played and why?

There are many parties that I consider memorable but probably the 3 parties that will remain most in my heart are undoubtedly a New Year's Eve a few years ago in Austria, where I played in the middle of Liquid Soul, Ace Ventura, Liquid Ace and Burn in Noise – it was such a super crazy line up! Also Indian Spirit Festival as I had dreamed of participating in it for many years since I started my project. However, the festival that left the deepest mark in my heart will always remain the summer solstice in Barbiano; an incredible open-air party in the middle of the Dolomites.

What are your greatest loves in life, other than music?

My dogs, Yuna and Kelly. I consider them to be my best friends or even my daughters; for me they are more important than my career, they are like my own family.

What’s on the horizon for you? What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I will be working on my debut album, which will be a great job and I'm dedicating all my energy to this. I'm a very scrupulous and fussy person so it definitely won't be a quick and easy job, but I'm sure I'll convey all of myself on it. As for the gigs, I'm organising my tour in Japan for next summer and there will be many surprises regarding the next parties in 2024. As for my dreams, definitely my biggest dream as an artist would be to play at Ozora and Boom festival one day, but I think this is the dream of many artists. Another dream would be to play in Brazil again, as this should have happened this past summer but dure to management reasons it was unfortunately cancelled.

If you could have one super power what would it be?

To be able to travel through time, to be able to see the past and distant cultures of history.

What lesson do you wish you had learnt as a child?

To believe in myself more…

To buy Dual Visions’ upcoming release – a collab with Mahaya click here:
To follow Dual Vision on social media click here:

All images are courtesy of One Function, Eliyahu, Invisible Reality and Dual Vision. Not to be reproduced without permission.
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Other Features By Jessica Alici:
Mindbenderz talk ‘Lord of the Rings’ and fishing, as well as the creation of their new album ‘Celestial Gateway’!
Luke&Flex talk influences, the Irish rave scene, why Flex wears a mask and Play Hard, their new EP out now on Onhcet Repbulik Xtreme!
Lyktum expands on his new album ‘Home’ – talking about his love of storytelling, creating new harmonies and the concept behind his musical works.
Pan talks getting caught short crossing the Sahara, acid eyeballs and tells us Trance is the Answer, plus shares his thoughts on his latest release 'Beyond the Horizon' - all from a beach in Spain!
Miss C chats about living with the KLF, DJing in a huge cat’s mouth, training her brain and the upcoming super-duper Superfreq Grande party at LDN East this Saturday, 16th September!
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

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