Saturday 20th October 2007
*Prime Time & Donna's 21st Birthday*
Saturday 20th October 2007
CLUB 414 [map]
10pm - 6am
£8 before 12.00 and £12 after
Ticket Info:
Guest list info: info@club414ent.co.uk
Tel: 0207 924 9322
or: 07957 972 394
Our last Prime Time party on Saturday 15th September was excellent, proving that the stars really do shine down on us. Thanks to everyone for coming down and making it a success.
For this October edition we will continue in the same vain and provide for you a night that reflects all that's good about the underground dance scene in London.
Residents: Craig Mac, Mr (Stewart) T & Jamie Tennant alongside special guest dj's: Samson & Ted Patrick, will provide the entertainment by playing some Uplifting Old Skool House.
Also we would like to help celebrate Prime Time Donna's 21st birthday. So why don't you come down and help us celebrate her birthday in style. Your only 21 once!
All to take place in a refurbished 414. Wicked sound system & intelligent lighting. The legendary 414 leads from the front, renowned for its friendly but firm door staff, the smiling and helpful bar staff.
Come out of Brixton tube station, turn left then from the KFC turn left into Coldharbour Lane and 414 is 3 minutes walk on your left hand side.
414 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton SW9
Saturday 20th October 2007 |
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